Article 34 University term major events of University Foundation refers examination large scale fundraising events nationwide or University reputation of donations of 10 million RMB or above; and overseas funding actions of 10 million RMB or above. Article 35 University Foundation shall make its utmost examination maintain or increase University normal value of its funds in conformity with University principles of lawfulness, defense and efficacy. Article 36 University Foundations annual expenditure on its activities for public welfare as stipulated in this Constitution shall be at least seventy percent of last years total income. The amount of staff salaries, welfares and daily working cost of University Foundation shall not exceed 10 percent of University total expenditure of University year. Article 37 University Foundation shall make known examination University public funding courses it undertakes, including University forms of grants, methods for his or her software, evaluation and examination in addition to their actual results. Article 38 Donors are entitled exam check out University utilization and control of their donations and examination give their feedback and counsel during this regard.