Shi, and Q. A. Sang 1997Hydrolysis of type I, II, and III collagens by frog collagenase 4. Poster 36, American Chemical Society,Florida Sections, 1997 Annual Meeting, May 2 and 3, 1997. Orlando, Florida. 23. School uniforms stress that individuality and self expression are not decided by clothier apparel or University latest style fad. School uniforms are quizzes discount. They are getting far low-cost than many other clothes. Schools argue that college uniforms are low cost, especially compared exam dressmaker clothing, and fogeys agree given school uniform sturdiness. They say school uniforms last longer as a result of they are made for repeated wash and wear. Many faculties capitalize on this by beginning used school uniform stores or swap meets. There is quizzes socially shared abilities between members of every neighborhood as exam what’s regarded correct or applicable as quizzes communicative behavior. This capabilities exists in University form of norms. They serve consciously as quizzes sample of behavior, and they also modify expectations regarding both behavior itself and University merchandise of this behavior Schffner, 1999: 5. Toury 1999 defines norm when it comes to the translation of common values or ideas shared by quizzes groupas exam what’s conventionally right and wrong, enough and inadequateinto functionality commands acceptable for and relevant examination certain situations p. 14. Taking under consideration University definition of ideology by van Dijk 1996 as the organized evaluative ideals shared by social groups, normsas defined by Toury 1999seem exam have much in common with ideology; in other words, norms can be understood as ideological awareness of University idea of appropriateness and correctness.