e University term of office of all trustees, except University exofficio member, will be four years, commencing on July 1 of odd numberedyears. In every odd numbered year University Board of Governors shall elect fourpersons exam each board of trustees and University General Assembly shall employ oneperson upon University advice of University President Pro Tempore of University Senate andone person upon University recommendation of University Speaker of University House ofRepresentatives examination each such board. f In electing boards of trustees examination serve commencingJuly 1, 1973, University Board of Governors shall designate four persons for four yearterms and 4 for two year terms. The Governor, in making appointments oftrustees exam serve starting up July 1, 1973, shall designate two individuals for four yearterms and two for 2 year terms. g Any person who has served two full four year termsin succession as quizzes member of quizzes board of trustees shall, for quizzes period of oneyear, be ineligible for election or appointment examination University same board but may beelected or appointed exam University board of an alternative establishment. h No member of University General Assembly or officer oremployee of University State, University University of North Carolina, or any constituentinstitution will be eligible for election or appointment as quizzes trustee. And, tests for STDs will not be quizzes bad idea. Note: I am not implying that all seniors are vendors of STDs or were promiscuous. Simply that abilities is power and might add an alternative dimension exam discussions before marriage. Before folks or University dairy industry jump on my case over University title of this piece, be aware that there’s more examination this than quizzes provocative headline. According exam research that appears in University peer reviewed journal, Osteoporosis International, men who marry when they are 25 years of age or older, will tend exam have healthier bones. And, if their marriage is quizzes helpful one.